Now it's official - LOLCat has taken over the world.
It's been very hard to surf the net lately, without seeing some sort of a hilarious cat picture with funny captions - a new language altogether. Who said cats can't speak?

I just started with Genesis and it cracked me right up:
1. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat was invisible, and he maded the skiez and da earths, but he did not eated it.
2. The earths wus witout shapez and wus dark and scary and stuffs, and he rode invisible bike over teh waterz.
3. And Ceiling Cat sayz, i can has light, and teh light wuz.
This wonderful creation isn't complete yet, so anyone who might wanna help translating the bible to kitty pidgin, is more than welcome.
i luvs the laff out lowd byble!
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