Sunday, February 3, 2008

Anonymous Launches a "Stop Scientology" Application for Facebook

Anonymous, a hackers organization that has declared war on Scientology, launched a new tool to aid them in their battle - a Facebook application.

"Show that you DO NOT support Scientology" is all the information that can be found on the application, which isn't very impressive. It contains a badge and some links about Scientology and Anon. I would have expected something far more sexy from a group of hackers. Of course, there's always the option that this isn't really Anonymous's work. After all, these guys are getting an awful lot of attention these days, you might find someone who wants to ride their wave of glory.

Above all, allow me to state that Facebook protest is even lamer than no protest at all.

More to follow, when there are interesting developments. I intend to cover this battle scene as much as I can - you are more than welcome to subscribe to my RSS feed in order to get the latest news about Anonymous VS Scientology and much more.

Related links
>> Anonymous VS Scientology
>> Anonymous VS Scientology: A Call for Action in Boston
>> Everything tagged "Scientology" in my blog